W&B Civil Engineering - Flood and
Sea Defence

Flood and Sea Defence

Our Projects

Alongside the main contractor, local authorities and the Environment Agency W&B have played an integral role in major flood alleviation and sea defence works.

These complex and highly demanding projects demonstrate our expertise in sea front drainage, flood alleviation culverts and reinforced concrete aprons.

York List Image Jpg

. Flood and Sea Defence

York Flood Alleviation

Date:July 2013
Client:Balfour Beatty

Installation of large diameter penstock chambers for a flood defence objective at the River Ouse in York.

Carlise 1

. Flood and Sea Defence

Carlisle Northern Development

Location:Carlisle, Cumbria
Client:Birse Construction

W&B were involved in the construction of a new road that now runs over the River Eden. The project required major flood alleviation works which included the installation of tubosider steel culverts & a pedestrian underpass.

Blackpool List

. Flood and Sea Defence

Blackpool Coastal Defence Project

Location:Blackpool Beach
Client:Birse Construction

The project requirements consisted of the installation of a coastal sea defence toe beam along with the new surface water drainage system which runs along the now extended promenade.

Works could only be carried out at low tide and often under extreme weather conditions.

Placing Concrete In Aprons

. Flood and Sea Defence

St Stephens Avenue Coast Protection

Location:Blackpool, Lancashire
Client:Birse Construction

Coastal Protection works to the base of the pier wall, this included the construction of reinforced concrete aprons. Works were all undertaken at low tide in challenging conditions.

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